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Equine therapy and natural recovery techniques for those facing life challenges. Children, adults, veterans, persons with handicap, all can benefit from our therapeutic activities that involve horses.

About Us

Welcome to Angel Mission

We are a compassionate nonprofit organization that tries to make a difference by offering financial support for equine learning and natural recovery techniques.

Whether you're a child in need of emotional support, an adult seeking personal growth, a veteran coping with the aftermath of service, or someone facing physical challenges, we believe in the transformative power of equine learning.

Through our programs, we aim to create a welcoming space where individuals from all walks of life can find solace, strength, and empowerment.



Riding Arena


A Therapy Session

What Can You Do Here?

Stable Maintanance


Why Equine Therapy?


Horses promote a sense of calm, reduce stress, and enhance overall mood. Interacting with horses can aid in the development and improvement of emotional regulation skills as well as increase self-confidence, and manage anxiety and depression.


Horses provide non-judgmental companionship, which can promote the development of effective communication skills. Working with horses requires clear and consistent communication, encouraging you to express yourself assertively.

Enhanced Self-Esteem
& Self-Awareness

Accomplishing tasks and building a connection with a horse can promote a sense of achievement and self-worth. Horses also act as a mirror, reflecting your emotions and behaviors, leading to greater self-awareness.

Trust & Relationship

Building a relationship with a horse requires trust and mutual respect. The bond formed with horses can translate into improved relationships in other areas of life.


Riding Horses and engaging in ground-based activities with horses help improve balance, coordination, strengthen muscles and overall motor skills. These activities can be especially beneficial for individuals with physical disabilities.

Stress Reduction
& Relaxation

The rhythmic motion of riding horses can have a calming effect, while the peaceful surroundings of nature contribute to a sense of serenity.

Social Skills
& Empathy

Equine learning often involves group activities or working in pairs, fostering social interaction and teamwork. Collaborating with others to accomplish tasks with horses promotes social skills, empathy, and the ability to work effectively as part of a team.

Coping Skills
& Resilience

Horses provide opportunities for problem-solving, adaptability, and overcoming obstacles. These skills can be applied to other areas of life, helping you navigate difficulties with greater resilience.

Our Ranch

Take A Peek At Our Ranch

Situated on a picturesque 12-acre working ranch, we offer a serene environment that fosters healing and growth. Our facilities include a full-size arena, multiple round pens, large working barn, working stables, concession stand for events, wheelchair accessible restrooms and abundant space for gentle rides and therapeutic counseling sessions.

Our Animals

Meet Our Animals

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Join us on this remarkable journey of healing, growth, and discovery.

Whether you're seeking therapeutic support, looking to contribute to our cause, or simply want to learn more about equine therapy, we are here for you.

Together, let's embrace the power of horses to inspire transformation and unlock the potential within each of us.

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